Under the effect of strong alkali and tension in this machine, the fiber rearrange and produce gloss.Under the action of stenter section, stabilize fabric size, so as to improve the physical indexes of fabric.
Turbulent washing,dipwashing and power spray washing, spary washing in both sides, more efficient
MS lowl iquid capacity.
Flexible water level control
Individual frequency control
Minimume longation by precise tension control system
MK washing effect is thei nteraction with rotor and drum to create liquor turbulence under liquor andl iquor cross-flow through the fabric.
The length of stenter section is about 17 m (decided by t h e c u s t o m e r ) , g u i d e r a i l beams welding by channels and i-steel.Stenter in cloth feeding side is equipped with detecting edge devices, can automatically tracking edge and needle;Detecting edge devices consist of a photoelectric detector and screw rod device drived by variable frequency; The chain of needle plate is independent transmission, by the closed loop frequency conversion device to realize synchronous transmission;Needle width is electric adjustment and has mechanical pointer and scale device to dispaly width. Casting squeezing unit, vertical double rubber roller structure with diameter 290 mm;Fabric goes into squeeze nip by frequency conversion scroll roller after passing a soaking tank;fabric out from squeeze nip and goes into subsequent unit after passing tension frame; operation side of the squeezing unit is equipped with pneumatic circuit operation box;Overhead gas film pressure device,pressurerated35kN;Fabricinandoutofthesqueezenipsareallequippedwithguideroller and scroll roller with variable frequency drive transmission.